MovieChat Forums > Addio zio Tom (1971) Discussion > OK for my 6th Grade History class?

OK for my 6th Grade History class?

Our school district made a policy change and would like us to use more movies and films in our class plans. This spring my history class will be learning about the horrors of slavery in the antebellum South. I've been told that this movie accurately depicts slavery, which makes me think it would be an ideal teaching aid.

What do you all think? And if not this, what would you recommend?


Absolutely not. This film is NC-17 or X. Have your parents buy one now as a high school graduation gift for you.


OMG! I didn't realize that it had an X rating, I just thought it was a documentary made for TV, like Roots. I guess it is a good thing I didn't take it to class.


lol you would have been so fired.


Glad you are teaching history and not comedy....though you did get at least 2 people to fall for this.

Are you a bug Bill Murray?



Dear God no.


Oh, yeah, sure, this movie's fun for the WHOLE family.


I am sure this guy was being serious.


In that case, the answer is NO. Not 6th grade anyway, I'd wait until high school, preferably 10th or 11th grade.


You'd already seen this movie when you posted this. This amuses you? Were the reactions of those who thought you were serious all you hoped they would be?


You know, I gotta do, what I gotta do. My favorite post along these lines were at the board of A Serbian Film. On it there was a lurid tale of a pregnant woman squatting over a mirror, while watching the film, so her embryo could enjoy it too. As she said, so far, so good.

My World:



If schools actually showed this movie racism would be gone pretty quick. Whites would spend much of their time around blacks apologizing.


I agree with you. Using euphisms to talk about slavery doesn't convey the peculiar institution.


Why the *beep* would they apologize for something they didnt do?
And what about blacks involved in the slave trade? And why whites, slave trade was propagated mostly by Portugal which dosnt even exists anymore as an Empire, are all whites responsible for what 1% of them do?

Get lost you race baiter, i spit in the face of people with white guilt.


Just like when you say I'm sorry when someone's Mom or Dad dies, you can say I'm sorry for all your race has been through, WITHOUT suffering from white guilt. Yes, MANY cultures and races were involved in the slave trade, including Africans selling Africans, no one is saying otherwise. Acknowledging what happened is not race baiting, it's called being honest and realistic.


If i spend my life apologizing for every bad thing that happened since the creation of life on this planet i would ave no life of my own. The very small scale american slavery isnt even especially important on the scale of crimes against the human kind we know of, there are dozens of examples of genocide perpetrated on millions which really put into perspective what humans are capable of.

And im not sorry, the people who it happened to it are long gone, just like people who perpetrated it.
Will "blacks" apologize for the insane crime rates of black on white crime in america?
I mean if whites are expected to apologize for something the didnt do, why not blacks as well? Actually i want every black man in america to apologize to me personally.

And yes, it is white guilt as its only the white people who are expected to share guilt in some bizarre world wide occurrence of shared responsibility. Not to mention blaming others just for having a similar color of skin is just insane and racist as hell.


I'm sorry, I didn't know Donald Trump was on the IMDb message boards. I am also sorry you are blind to seeing the injustices STILL being caused by the effects of slavery, which includes our corrupt and broken prison system which is just an extension of slavery. Now we even enslave white people who have mental issues, not sure how that fits in with your need to be apologized to. Maybe every criminal in the world should apologize to you?


The hell you even on about.
Im talking to you about how whites are blamed for things they didnt commit by racists black supremacists and you tell me about the prison system?
What about it? What makes it broken and corrupt?
How is modern prison system in any way related to long abolished slavery?
What people with mental issues? Sorry, mental health problems are no excuse for committing crimes. We jail criminals regardless of their mental health, and this is how its should be.

Also what effects of slavery you see today? Name them.
Name point by point those effects, with examples.

And what the hell has Donald Trump have to do with anything?

Maybe every criminal in the world should apologize to you?

I wouldnt mind it. Since you see, criminals actually did something (assuming they are convicted justly). Something you cant say about the mythical white mans sin many in US seem to believe in.


Sieg Heil, Der Furher vill be proud of such a fine Aryan Ubermensch defending his honor.

One Land! One People! One Leader!
