Favorite lines!

I'll start: "Who's this sewer with the violin?" - Uncle Matthew


"Oh, dulling. One always thinks that. Every, every time." - the Bolter

I think this line should be on lists of the greatest ending lines in literature and film. What a punch to the gut.


I can't think of any specifics at the moment, but I love pretty much everything Cedric says. Hilarious!

Another funny part is Davey at his club, making a list of items for his new medicine chest he plans to bring on his trip to Hollywood, to retrieve his niece. Some of the items are for treatment of arrow wounds from Indian attacks, snake bite remedies, and other lmao things!


The medicine chest list is hilarious!

Cedric: "Fanny, you're so lucky. You'll never know what it's like to lose your looks."


Lol, that's a great one from Cedric.


I'm currently enjoying Vivian Pickles's portrayal of Beatrice in BBC's 1979 version of Rebecca. What a hoot!


Uncle Matthew to Davey: "You'll take what you're given and LIKE IT! Stiffen up, you old wreck. Mr. Warbeck, off to the cook house!"
