I think we should all have a new DVD release of this movie. I have the version that is out now but it isnt a very good picture. If they ever re-release this movie, it should at least be in widescreen with a chapter insert. COME ON ANCHOR BAY, RE-RELEASE THIS ONE


im with you. and a commentary from the director this time. this film is a masterpiece in my opinion.

"how about... a royal flush!" *loren avedon kicks a cauldron of boiling water into the bad guys*


Yeah I want commentary from the main girl, Terry. She was a hottie, just a shame she got killed off. More special features too!

Why are you reading my signature?


There just definitely be a commentary for this movie hopefull with Janet Penner. One of the best Horrors for atmosphere.


Yes, I agree with you.


At first the idea of a new DVD of this movie sounded crazy to me...completly insane. Then I thought a bit more - it would actually be a great idea. This was one of those movies I both hated, loathed really, and yet loved. It's a real...treasure...?

A new DVD release with more polished visuals, a commentary (a REAL one this time), and a handful of new extras would make it a worthy purchase. I'm sure the director isn't doing much now...he should push for a re-release. I know I would, though saying I'd 'push' for one is probably a bit strong.

This movie was the perfect example of what is good, bad, and ugly about horror films all at once.

I just regret that I paid $10 for it at the time. I could have gotten 'Suicide Circle/Club' for the same price that day. Ah well...
