Love Hate

I have a love/hate relationship with this movie. Love Lindsay Crouse in it. LOVE the house, which is probably my biggest reason for watching it while answering email. But I literally want to punch the judge and the police for confining Lindsay to one room while the psycho gets the run of HER house. Mostly I tell myself this sort of thing is just not possible. However, it IS California.


The reason I liked this movie is that it pretty much stayed realsitic and played it straight. I thought it would be a corny Psycho thriller but was pleasantly surprised. Things like that could happen. Also I was surprised at how touching the ending was. "Hold me?" I did not see that coming at all.

~I love the rhythm it is my methoood!~


Yes, and I didn't expect what happened after that.
And maybe you can help me with something. I haven't seen the movie in a while, but I remember that Lara's psychosis was due to the fact that she stopped taking the medication she was on due to bad side effects, which she didn't tell her doctor about. In fact, I think the first person she murdered was a person who told her she needed to call the doctor about the medication. Is that correct? Anyway, the ending was very nice and unexpected.


However, it IS California

you got that right -- i guess anything goes in California -- but what a load of crap the owner of the house has to live in one room - while the loon gets the run of the lady who owns the beautiful house.
