Is there....

Any other movies similar to this one?


In what sense?

Movies with crazy cuts and editing? yes. Movies with psychological horror? yes. Movies that touch on the negative sides of addiction? yes.

Movies similar to the last 30 or so minutes of this? I haven't watched any 'movie' since I saw this in theaters that was half as close to freaking me the fack out. So anyone that has, i'm all ears...but can't say i'm actively searching for a similar experience.

This movies ending, and that 10 or so minutes of deliverance, are the two sequences in film that I respect for what they accomplished at the time...and i'm sure there are more like these that i'm not aware of...but i'm happy keeping at 2 viewings. one to experience them, a second to confirm why they flipped me out to such a degree...and that's it; no need to revisit.


>Movies similar to the last 30 or so minutes of this?

No, there are no other films like this.


None that I know of.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


Maybe Enter the Void or Trainspotting?


Try The Basketball Diaries and Trainspotting if it's the drug addiction aspect you're interested in, both are better imo.


Watch The Panic In Needle Park - a considerably more authentic-feeling, nuanced and level-headed look at heroin addiction.

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan


Extremely Raw. Way more realistic.


"Go" (1999) has a similar style where it follows different people throughout, and involves drugs, but to a much lesser extent.
