Funny dialogue

I have to admit I laughed out loud a couple times in this film.

The scene where the inmates are putting on de Sade's play about the Doctor and his young wife.
While one inmate simulates the Doctor going down on his bride, the one playing the wife says something like "What's this...such a wicked sensation
A feeling somewhere between shame and elation."

And the scene where the Marquis is relying on the inmates to verbally pass his story along to Madeleine through their cells.
He says something like "My prose...filtered through the minds of imbeciles".

In reality, the man whose very name spawned the word 'sadist' was reputed to be cruel, sick and depraved.
But this film depicts him in a fairly lighthearted way and I found it entertaining.


the best part, for me, about the line about the imbeciles repeating his prose is that he then mumbles, "who knows, maybe they'll improve it."


I laughed aloud at:

"Ah, you've come to read my trousers!"


"It's true, dear heart; you've spoiled me pink."

The mirror... it's broken.
Yes, I know. I like it that way. Makes me look the way I feel.



There were many genius lines and philosophical comments on religion and hypocrisy from Rush's character the Marquis de Sade. And we are shown the cruelty of may around him (Caine's character, de Sade;s wife who wishes him to suffer, even the Abbe for losing Madelaine).

I guess that boxing him makes him safe and harmless. If he had a wider literary or philosophic reputation he would be dangerous.

rouge silk,
fierce concentrated joy,
fires the blood


Part of the funny dialogue it's what makes this movie so great.
You pass from comedy to suspense in just two second and in less than you can count it becomes a big tragedy.

Another scene where your where our feelings switch so fast is when Madeline gets in the Marquise's room almost at the Begining of the film

First we feel like they are going to scare us and we are going to jump then we laugh a little then it becomes the sexiest scene and then there is suspense when she(Madeline ) almost wants to get out, we think like what's going to happen here but hey she wasn't that scared at the end she latter opened the door for him again.


Some very funny dialogue near the start but fewer laughs as it goes on ...

Abbe: But I'm not a beautiful young prospect, ripe for corruption!
Marquis: Don't be so sure.

Old washerwoman: That's terrible!
Young washerwoman: (stops reading)
Old washerwoman: Well, go on!


We eat, we sleep, we sheet, we *beep*

Keith Moon was the greatest 'Keith Moon Style' drummer ever!!
