The Best Anime Yet!

I really loved this movie. Lot's of laughs people.


I wonder what this film has to do with anime. I guess nothing.


This movie has two things to do with anime:

1. They are both animated.

2. There are many great anime, and this is a great movie.

1 is a more meaningful point than 2. Myself, I don't like when someone refers to something that's not anime as anime and says "this is the best anime ever!" for the reason that, while in japan "anime" means "all animation" that is not the meaning of the term outside of japan, and due to this I consider it insulting to anime to dismiss it like that, it's no different than saying "my favourite hungarian animated film is Wall-E" when you're well aware that the film was not a primarily hungarian production. Note I recognise that some works, such as Avatar: The Last Airbender (which I love), are borderline, but when someone feels the need to jump in and say "Disney's The Little Mermaid is the best anime ever", then I think that's wrong (if you aren't from japan), if that is your favourite animation/animated film/movie/moving image media work, I have no problem with that, but it's not a japanese production so don't refer to it as your favourite japanese production.

Richard Dawkins Foundation


Anime is the japanese cartoon. Thi sis a hungarian animated movie.


Its not anime. You'll know anime when you see it. Its that piece of crap oriental style of animation where everything is drawn the same. The mouths move the same no matter how fast they talk or what they are saying. The backgrounds sit still while the foregrounds move. Every character and expression look the same and things in the back lose detail. If you like ANIMATION watch cat city or one of bakshi's films for example. Leave the crap anime to the pokemon nerds who dont know any better. Cat city is the farthest thing from anime.
