Accents in the English version

I liked the series a lot, but Tintin sounds Canadian and the Thom(p)son twins sound Australian.

Where's your crew?
On the 3rd planet.
There IS no 3rd planet!
Don't you think I know that?


The 2 voice actors who performed the voices of Thomson and Thompson (Dan Hennessey and John Stocker) are both Canadian as well and used British accents for voices of the twins.


Here's my $0.02:

Tintin - Canadian
Captain Haddock - Irish
Thomson and Thompson - not sure (I know one of them speaks in a Cockney accent, the other sounds like a fusion of Australian and South African)
Professor Calculus - RP (Queen's English)
Snowy - none (he's a smegging dog)


the real problems are tantan is pronounced wrong as tintin and melu is called snowy!!! wtf!


In Chinese he's called Dingding.


yeah they call the tao te ching the dao de jing.
