I had a crush on Skye

I know it sounds weird, but when I was little, I had a crush on Skye for some reason. I know I know...he's a puppet...Haha...

Idk why...I just liked him for some reason.


AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! So did I. I just went through the elaborate process of registering for this website just so I could tell you that I too had a crush on Skye. I was telling my friends about it and they are making fun of me.

What is the name of the song he sings about nature and being native american? I want to find it....


Seriously everybody had a crush on Skye he was the coolest!

Here's the song Robby Romero and Red Thunder " Prayer Song "


Frogger with style


You know for some reason I thought him and Julie had a thing going. Maybe it had to do with the episode where the kids was sleeping over at the Puzzle Place and they couldn't sleep. Because they all had certain routines that they had to do to fall asleep. Julie needed her mom to give her a glass of water before sleeping. So Skye got her a glass of water and she said I love you to him after. It was kind of sweet.


Julie and Skye were totally boning.

"The fundamental things apply, as time goes by."

