Episode Question...

I was wondering if someone knew about a certain episode that I saw, once when I was younger...
I remember an episode where Jo was sick... but I can't remember if everyone was sick and then she got sick or it was just her... Maybe I'm wrong and it's not this show but I'm pretty sure it was in Little Men... Anyway I can't find a description of this in any synopsis that's why I think I could be wrong, but maybe it's just because it wasn't the main subject of the episode... ??
Well if someone know just let me know!lol I would appreciate some help! Otherwise it doesn't matter I'll deal with it! :-) Thanks!
EDIT: Sorry! lol I found what I was looking for! ;) It's my mistake...I didn't realize that when I looked at th synopsis of the episodes, I started from the one I saw the last time (the 4th one) so it means I didn't read the 3 first ones...And the episode in question is actually the 2nd one, "Quarantine"! Well thanks anyway! :D

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