Great Movie

Extremely underrated.




You three can't be serious, can you? I think that this movie was terrible. Maybe I just don't like it because it does not relate to my life style any bit.


I caught in last night on IFC, it wasn't anything great, but I thought it was pretty fricken funny. I'm from the Seattle burb's but now live in SF, so now whenever I head back to the burbs to visit for the holidays, I can really SEE people who act like these 3 gimps in the movie.

The more you complain, the longer God lets you live


yea this is a really great movie!! its funny! i like it! :)

my sites:


this movie was extremely funny...yo this is some essence dawg!
i'm rolling face


this movie was so gay. i only watched like 20 minutes of it from the middle and it wasnt funny at all. and im not just saying this because they were trying to be black and i dont like black people or anything. it was just phuckkking stupid. i would rather get punched in the face than watch this movie again. id rather watch superstar.


@ notsniwsallads

Thank you. I so know how you feel. <3


