Amelia Warner

Is it just me, or is Amelia Warner not in this movie? IMDB lists her as playing 'teenage Fanny', but as far as I can tell, only two actresses play her in the movie. I've seen the movie a few times (always on TV) so maybe Amelia's scenes are cut from the TV version?


She's there. One scene, very short, apparently to bridge from the child to the adult. As I recall, only one line each from Fanny and Edmund. If you blink you miss it. One could well miss it because the actress has a remarkable resemblance to the older Fanny, and is of the same height and build as the older actress.


Yep, she's there but you never see her face, only her back. I think it's during the part where she's writing to her family. Amelia Warner only has that one line.
