Favourite Moments

I really loved this movie, i think mainly for Edmund, i thought that it was really surprising how well Jonny could really play that cute, loveable, vulnerable guy, lol. Loved him.

Anyway point of this thread is what were your favourite moments in the film. Whether funny, sad, romantic or even from a technical aspect.

I loved all the exchanges between Fanny and Edmund. Loved, loved, LOVED the bit where she's leaving and they exchange those few words and she cracks and starts to cry and you see his face and he is just about to cry to :( awwwww.

Also loved the bit on the carriage on the way back when he said he missed her and held her hand, yet his face was stony and they would NOT look at each other. I think if they just looked at each other then, the movie would've ended alot quicker, lol.

And also, obviously, i loved his vulnerability when he proposes to her. so cute. but i think that scene was ruined by her looking of his shoulder and smiling into the camera, but oh well.

What were all yours?

Also, I've tried to find some MP fanfiction on the net and i could only find two! Does anyone have any links where some more are? That would be a great help thanks.

~~~ Life was never intended to be lived without a touch of mystery ~~~
