
I was disappointed by the nude scene in Mansfield Park. Because a Jane Austen picture does not need nudity.
Sense & Sensibility, Pride & Prejudice and Emma are subtle and don't need nudity and it keeps the films somewhat innocent which I like.

"You cannot find peace by avoiding life"


there wasn't any nude scenes in Mansfield Park, unless you are talking about the drawing of a nude woman- in which case- I think you have a lot of growing up to do.


sorry to disagree, but there is a nude scene. mariah is topless for a second when fanny walks in on her and henry having sex.

i'm a ninja, just not a good one


I didn't consider seeing one nipple as nudity. I'm not sure if you are aware of this or not- but every human on this earth has at least one nipple.


really? i had no idea. everyone has at least one? thank you captain obvious. the standards of nudity are different for everyone. in other cultures nudity could be someone showing ankle. in the typical, albeit ridiculously prudish american mentality, nipple=nudity. janet jackson's wardrobe malfunction anyone?

mostly harmless


I was actually also referring to Henry's (Alessandro Nivola) great bum lol.
But as gorgeous as it was, it did not really feel right for a Jane Austen film, but that's just me.

"You cannot find peace by avoiding life"


As desensitized to movie nudity as I am, even I was surprised by the sex scene. Most Austen films tend to stay true to the straitlacedness of the Regency era, so it was somewhat shocking that the sexuality in Mansfield Park was more explicit than in other Austen adaptations. Not to say that Austen's novels are asexual; I'm not really a fan, but I'm familiar enough with her work to know that her stories are anything but free of sexual innuendo.

That being said, I think the obvious lesbian vibes between Fanny and Mary would make Jane Austen blush, much more so than any of the nudity!

Conversations kill.


LOL.. I kinda got that vibe when Mary was undressing and drying the wet Fanny <-- tee hee, I said, "the"... ;)

but that went away quickly and I thought, meh, it's just women being the caring, sensitive, loving beings that they are... and then I went back to feasting on Alessandro Nivola's trousers.... ;)

uh.. but again, I never read the book... so... maybe?

"They're all mistakes, children. Glad I never was one."


Also, the scene in which Fanny and Mary are rehearsing for the play, and Mary assumes the role of the male lover. That scene was very homoerotic. I think the lesbian undertones were intentional. Patricia Rozema (the director) is a lesbian, and gay and lesbian artists almost always include some kind of homoerotic element in their work.

Conversations kill.


lol I just figured it was getting Edmund's attention...

I didn't know that about Patricia Rozema... I just know I wanted to brush her hair after watching her interview in the 'making of featurette'. ;)

"They're all mistakes, children. Glad I never was one."
