The music

Does anyone know about the band that actually done the music for this ?? I heard it was a group named " A " or something along those lines... i seen the cd soundtrack in a music shop once.. gutted i didnt get it.. !! can anyone let me know where i can get the soundtrack ..


Try eBay


i think the first tune they play is "to earth with love" by gay dad. classic

there are questions that have no answers and answers to questions that have never been asked


I thought the music was a bit different at first but then it gets rather catchy.

"She is my Mirror of Erised, I look into her and see everything I've ever desired."
Rath Dé ort


The music is written by A.

I have the original soundtrack, it's well worth getting if you can find it now. Maybe try Limewire, you never know!!!

Also I would recommend getting either of A's albums


I always remember owning A's first album and then watching this show and hearing the song "Number One" blaring out, what a tune

You'd be hard pressed to find A stuff on limewire etc, but you should be able to pick up a copy of "How Ace Are Buildings" (they're first album) which features the song "Number One" as well as some other classics


Hi, if you’re still looking for the soundtrack you can find if on Amazon UK for about £1.40 used.

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


I am currently reviewing the music from this series for a soundtrack discography and I can honestly say it is absolute *beep* sh*te. Horrible Oasis mimickery.


I can honestly say it is absolute *beep* sh*te. Horrible Oasis mimickery

I'd always thought it was meant to be that way!

