Lexx Promo


I want to ask a quick question. I recently rediscovered this show after going years without thinking of it. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed it during the original run.

So I googled and came across an interview with Brian Downey, where he talked about uploading the pilot/promo video, that was filmed in 1994.

I've been searching but haven't been able to find it. Does anyone know where it is?

I imagine it would be very interesting to watch for various reasons. The show depended a lot on the organic looking sets and CGI which wasn't as prominent in 1994. I'm wondering how the story could have been told, the introductory narration alone was three minutes long, so condensing that can't have been easy. Finally, Lexx is such a bizarre show and I always wondered how they convinced a network to green light it, the pilot might shed some light on that.

If anyone can point me in the right direction, I would love to see it.


It's a short film, its on the dvds for season one, havent seen it in for ages.
Might be on youtube.


Apparently it's very brief, as it's included on this VHS extra (how ancient!) featuring the show's creators. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNpHb0WrddQ

The jaunty and upbeat music in it sounds pretty out of place for what would become Lexx, but the industrial look and Stan's introduction are quite similar to what we got. Anyone else notice the wide shot of the big ship at the end of the short looks a lot like the Red Dwarf?

When I dreamed of Broadway, I never pictured the elk antlers.
