MovieChat Forums > The Perfect Storm (2000) Discussion > Irene and her kids get best seats at the...

Irene and her kids get best seats at the funeral

right there in the first row front and center. LOL She knew Bugsy for like a total of 3 hours and her kids never met him yet there they all are front row blubbering like they lost their father and husband. What the heck were they thinking? It's so dumb.


I know it was pretty dumb. I guess it was because Bugsy never had anyone to run to when he got back from his jobs. In a few scenes Bugsy looked jealous when the other men had girlfriends or when they would be making out in front of his face. Didn't want to have Bugsy look like no one cared, insert...Irene!

You jump, I jump remember? I can't turn away without knowing you'll be alright


she probably bought some scalped tickets.



"best seats at the funeral"

Do you even understand what you're saying?


Yes, "imtopeka" has a some kind of wild hair about the Irene character and took the time to complain about her in more than one post.

To me, seeing the chance that some happiness might finally be about to come into a life that probably hasn't had a lot of that particular commodity, and then seeing that hope flicker out, is devastating and deserving of some respect.

But I've probably lived a lot longer than imtopeka.


The length of your life has nothing to do with wisdom.


How much time would you say you spend per day acting like a condescending prick?


I wondered the same thing, also considering the fact that in the real life story, she never existed and bugsy really did have no one, no family etc to mourn him.

by solesister "get thee to a nunnery!"


Not only that, but she was also present in the bar in scenes before so they could fill up the place/scene. In few scenes later, they actually show her sitting in bar with her kid, worried sick.

I found the whole thing really funny. She barely knows the guy and suddenly she is so worried like she has known him for years.


It seems like the people in the town all knew,cared, and worried about each other and 'the men who went down to the sea in ships'. We are never told Irene's backstory, probably because she was a character created for the film. She could have been the widow of a fisherman on one of those boats. She stood in for the family that Bugsy never had, (the main feeling she probably had was compassion that might have turned into more if Bugsy had survived), but was probably also mourning the memory of her husband and the crew members, as the whole town was.

I could be a morning person if morning happened at noon.
