The Speech

What is the speech that Juli teaches to Daniel? And that she makes him recite during the "wedding".

I'd like to read it in German.

Just a small detail I noticed: when she tells it to him, it ends with "daß ich dich liebe", and when he says it, he doesn't say the daß: "blahblahblah ich liebe dich".

Nevermind I just found it off the german wikipedia:

"Meine Herzallerliebste, ich bin tausende von Meilen gegangen, ich habe Flüsse überquert, Berge versetzt, ich habe gelitten und ich hab Qualen über mich ergehen lassen, ich bin der Versuchung widerstanden und ich bin der Sonne gefolgt, um dir gegenüber stehen zu können und um dir zu sagen: ich liebe dich."

My all-heart-love, I've gone thousand of miles, I have crossed rivers, climbed mountains, I have suffered and I have let it result in self-torments, I have resisted the temptation and I have followed the son, across you I stand to be able to tell you: I love you.

Can someone correct me?


In the English subtitles, it was "darling" rather than "all-heart-love" and "moved" rather than "climbed" mountains. But you've basically got it.



I actually just transcribed this bit for my roommate earlier tonight, and I do believe that is correct. As for the English part, I would probably say more "beloved" than "all-heart-love," even though I know that doesn't match the subtitles. Also, it would be "sun," not "son."
