Wonderful Art Film

"In July" was a masterful piece of art-filmmaking. The story is Shakespearian and the acting and direction are superb. One of the best foreign films I've seen and I highly recommend it. A total blast.


A foreign movie I like a lot is "Unforgiven" by Clint Eastwood.


It's a good movie, but it's no art film... just because it's foreign, doesn't mean it's art.... if it were made in hollywood, you'd probably not like it as much. At all... Plus, Unforgiven was made in the USA... don't know what you mean by foreign.

The man in black fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed.


he means he's not american, like a lot of people on the internet


It's not art, it's a romantic comedy.

"So horribly sad. How is it that I feel like laughing?"


Director Fatih Akin has mentioned the inspiration he took from Shakespeare for IN JULY, but I was struck by its (perhaps unintentional) similarity to classic screen farces like BRINGING UP BABY or BALL OF FIRE. Just like in those films, you have an unconventional woman who sets her sights on a slightly uptight intellectual, and before you can say "Howard Hawks" he finds himself involved in situations he never imagined possible. His life has been turned upside down, but he's a better person for it.

And I think Moritz Bleibtreu (one of international cinema's more interesting actors) was an inspired choice for Daniel.
