
Which song from this games is your favourite??

Mine is:

- Lost souls alliance (so beautiful)
- The enlighted florist
- The bone wagon song

Hey freak. Where did you get that jacket from? a fleamarket?.


Coaxing Meche
Hi-Tone Fandango
Both mariachi songs (Companeros, Ninth Heaven)
Lost Souls Alliance

But by leaps and bounds, my favorite track is Temple Gate. What a fantastic piece of music. What impresses me about the soundtrack as a whole is how the whole thing is built on just a simple three-note theme, disguized and rearranged in different ways. When you really listen close, you can hear that each song has pretty much the same melody, yet no two songs sound alike. Amazing.



soundtrack available FREE for download at:




My favourite one is the last one, called Manny & Meche (played when the train is leaving at the end). It's SO touching, and I really like listening to it.
Companeros and Bone Wagon are also awesome, and so is the entire soundtrack actually.


VERY hard to decide :( The Enlighted Florist is somewhat inspired by Arabian music, no?

"I'm gonna get medieval on your ass!"


Yes or Indian.

I cant't agree with you more, I know exactly what you mean.


The only bad thing about the music is the pieces are too short. Each piece is soooo beautiful, for example She sailed away, Angelitos an Companeros, but they're too short, I could easily listen to a three minute version of Los Angelitos.

I like movies


My favourite is High Roller. I bought the soundtrack on the strength of that one song. It relaxed me so much when I first heard it. Domino, Trouble With Carla and Mr Frustration Man are also up there. Nuevo Marrow is growing on me, too.


I like Nuevo Marrow, Stump Room (The Edge Of The Petrified Forest - pity it's too short), Glottis's Theme (Gambling Glottis), Companeros, Ninth Heaven, Talking Limbo, The Bone Wagon's Theme, Lost Souls' Alliance / LSA, The Temple Gate, and the Opening Credits.


Ninth Heaven, and that's it. It's the best song in this game. And few songs touch me like it does.

CompaƱeros is a close second.
