I don't get it

Why does HWWBTR save issac's live in part1,but kills him in part6???


Ah I was wondering when someone would ask this question. It is my belief but I don't know for sure, but this is how I see it. I think that Isaac isn't dead and that we haven't seen the last of him. You see in COTC the first film Isaac comes back from the dead and kills Malachai, then goes into the coma. So if Isaac was already dead and was given a 2nd chance to lead then he can't die again. That's the way I interpret it. I also noticed this. When Isaac is in the room with Jake and the water is running onto the floor. Isaac electrocutes Doc Michaels. If Isaac could die he would have died there because he was standing in the water too when he dropped the electrical chord into the water. See Isaac was standing there in the room too. And he says "I don't have a soul." So I think we haven't seen the last of Isaac. Hope this helps.



I disagree. Isaac had already commited a sin in "children of the corn" by saying his son was the first born son. So He who walks killed him and then resurrected him to kill Malachi before Isaac was put into a coma by he who walks. I think he then brought Isaac back in part 6 just to help along the prophecy and once he served his purpose he got rid of him. It also worked to his advantage because by waking Isaac up at that point in time it helped to show Cora, and Jesse couldn't be trusted and were loyal to Isaac not he who walks. So awakening Isaac also allowed he who walks to flush out the disloyal followers within the religion and pick them off one by one, saving the most disloyal of them all Isaac for last.


or the film-makers simply didnt think of it and made a mistake, did you ever think of that?


John Franklin wrote it. I`m not sure why. Maybe he`s into this kinda of stuff since he also did the Addams Family Films. Why not see if there is a way to contact him and ask why he wrote it the way he did.


I love the way he wrote, along with Tim Sulka.

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