MovieChat Forums > Hotel Cæsar (1998) Discussion > Stupidest thing on earth...

Stupidest thing on earth...

Listen to this, theyre supposed to earn hundres of million on this hotel, giving away a hundred million to the jew family like it was a candy bar. Still when you see the hotel lobby, a little coffee table (the expedition), and a one eyed drunk, and how many rooms are there, (5?), it looks nothing less than crap, and the actors? What are they? Even when standing in a crowd, no lines, or sitting in a corner the acting is horrible, or worse. These are the actors no-one in Scandinavia wanna touch. Tell me a successfully good hotel like this would ever have to illegaly import meat from Sweden (this is supposed to be dramatic). And have a look at the bar... aaaaaah... theres so many things i wanna say.. but perhaps you get the picture... If you like watching poo, or cows, or just watching the wall for hours, go watch this show. Its like a reality show for actors that suck.

Why is this show still on the air? Its crap. I dont know how they can make television programs this bad. (beyond my imagination)


I know. Man, all soap operas suck, really.


No, no, no - you need to pay more attention to the show. The Anker Hansen's own several hotels in different countries, as well as several airlines, and they are involved in many different investment ventures. Of course they don't make hundreds of millions just through that one hotel.

It was not the hotel that importet the meat illegaly (again, pay more attention to the show), but it was two of the workers (Svein and Alex) there who wanted to make a few extra bucks on the side.

Norwegian actors are still in a development fase. Most of them are still born out of the theatre and venture into acting in films and television. We need actors who are born into film and television, but, like i said, it's a development that needs time to process. Not all the actors in Hotel Cæsar are bad. Some are good, some are bad, and a bit too many are a bit too theatrical.


Very good. I agree in everything. But still the series is really bad, but I watched it for many years. It's just recently that the show really started getting *beep* up


Here in Hungary we have come to season 5, can anyone tell me if Juni and Svein are going to have an affair?


godt sagt


Jeg kan ikke helt se for meg en norsk film bli spilt sånn som f. eks. hollywood- filmer. Jeg tror egentlig bare det ville ha sett teit ut. Dessuten jeg synes vi har mange gode skuespillere her i Norge og gode norske filmer. Men helt ærlig så synes jeg at Hotel Cæsar er et unntak.

Tanis: You don't scare me, Selene.
Selene: Well, we'll have to work on that


Chris2390, *beep* off!


hvorfor snakker du engelsk? hvor mange er det som kan referere til en serie de ikke forstår språket til?:P


Kanskje det er morsmålet hans. Ikke alle er like flink som deg å skrive på norsk.


Har du hørt om undertekst / dubbing?
Serien har begynt å spre seg til andre land enn de i skandinavia.


Han der som spiller Strom er forferdelig dårlig


Må si meg enig i det, Laffen. Selv om Hotel Caesar ikke går for en Amanda burde de nok kreve en viss standard fra gjengangerne i serien.

Det kan godt hende at han skuespilleren er en skikkelig kul fyr og greier, men han har dessverre ingenting å gjøre på skjermen. Verken på Hotel Caesar eller noe annet TV-program.


tror ikke han storm er en kul kar, nei. se på han... han er sånn i virkeligheten, men den verste av dem alle ved siden av liv og storm liland er VILDE(hun chubby datteren til svein)

hun tror jeg, er like motbydelig i virkeligheten, som hun er i serien


bada bad bad show


Han som spiller Storm er en heller dårlig skuespiller ja.. Men Vilde? Hun er bitch på serien, men absolutt knullbar da :P


This show is SATIRE, and very funny at times. Maybe a little too intelligent for some people.


jon_harald your message sure proves a lot about your intelligence. Caesar: 1/10.


Hotel Cæsar is bad in many ways, but from time to time, intelligent and/or satiric humor occurs. Much funnier than all Norwegian sitcoms, not that that's too hard:-) The humor in Hotel Cæsar is for instance better than the humor in, say, Friends, and other crappy shows like that. But of course, one need to be a little smarter than most people to be able to get it.
