king 65

Does anybody know what is the name of the movie where the lead character's tag is king 65?


My memory is failing me here but in case i jog someone elses memory im thinking it may be a mid 80's yarn about some kid whose Brother is a NY fireman killed fighting a fire. He then goes about taking the graffiti 'getting up' principle with bigger publicity stunt escapades to bring media attention to the city's lack of insurance payout for the family or some such.

I had it on VHS and it had a title like 'Taki 185' or the like.

I could be off on a wrong one there cos im thinking 'king 65' was a writers tag in 'Beat street'.

It's been a while since i watched either film.


'TURK 182' was the title i was trying to remember, and im doubting it's the film you are after in truth.


I suspect you've already found out, but in any case,

'Dreams dont die'

I have'nt seen it and i want to. Anyone in the industry of putting out DVD's should consider the business potential of picking up the rights (cheaply i would of thought)and putting this out. Advertising it in Hip Hop and Graffiti publications. It will sell like Hot Cakes to that demographic by promoting Dondi White's contribution to this production.

If i had the capital and contacts i would consider it myself.


bro i recall so much bout the movie as a kid i saw it and it has the lead guy (king 65) bombing a train all the while a gang was sneeking up on him and in turn they cheered and made noise because the mural he painted was so (fresh )! then (king 65 ) also took revenge on some one for messing with his girlfriend by painting a galactic mural on the rich guys limo and another scene where (king 65 ) gets caught spraying a train by a night guard and some how does not get in trouble . well the t.v. said we will return to KING 65 ! and that was in the early 80s and ive always wanted to watch it again (still do ) so did i jog some ones memory ? please help from Temple tx n still tag n 4 life .


Damn this film sounds like 'the wildstyle production that time forgot'

I cant believe that the revival of the old school has not led to this one being resurrected, by someone looking to make a bag full of coffers out of it.

PLEXIFILM ----- You did such a lovely job on Style wars, with bags of extras, get in on this one. Get in contact with Henry Chalfant for an introducing extra, or better still get in touch with Dondi whites brother and crew friends and get the behind the scenes stories and make a tribute to Dondi out of it.'s there on a plate. I study marketing and ive just pitched a sure fire winner, and i aint even standing to get a penny for the contribution.

Actually, PLEXIFILM, why dont you email me and employ me and i'll write you up a comprehensive marketing strategy to get this one out there......for a modest bag of coffers. Hows that.


didnt T-Kid 147 write king 65?


Sorry, I don't know the title Either, But i thought i was the only who seen this movie, Nobody seem to even heard of this movie, but im still looking for the title.


Poster above was correct, the movie is called "Dreams Don't Die."

I have been looking for this movie for years. Every now and again someone pops up on the net selling boots of it but by the time I get to it he is sold out.
