Most Excellent Film

Saw this on IFC last night; stayed glued for the whole thing. Understanding Spanish (actually, Castillano) was a major plus, but the captioning was fairly good. The real treat was to hear Fernando Fernan Gomez, the Grandfather. His diction, his presentation, his elocution were the artform of a master; rare to experience. Thanks to the scriptwriters, his lines held many poignant trueisms, such as one seldom hears.

Doña Lucrecia Richmond, played by Cayetana Guillén Cuervo, was a good counterpoint to play off of Gomez and held up her end well; somewhat difficult to do when playing opposite such a master as he is.

This film deserves the highest recommendation for anyone who esteems quality films as were once had in the past.


I saw this on IFC yesterday as well. It was excellent and had me glued to the screen the whole time. I hope more people see this.

Do not go through life without seeing The Painted Veil (2006) DVD May 8. US/Canada


Spanish is synonymous with Castilian (castellano.)

There was also a superb performance by Rafael Alonso as Don Pío Coronado.

If the Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard, It can also be like a chicken-pox mark.


You are right Aulic Exclusiva, "castilian" is synonymous with Spanish.
But sometimes is used to refer to the spanish from "Spain", while the spanish from latin america usually is called "Español" not "castilian".

Talking about the movie: I liked it. Perhaps a bit soapy and melodramatic at times but I enjoyed it.


I really enjoyed the film but I suspect the book is better. I wish my spanish was up to reading Galdos in original language but I am currently searching for english translations of his work.

