MovieChat Forums > Poketto monsutâ (1998) Discussion > How do people feel about the mega evolut...

How do people feel about the mega evolution system?

Just out of curiosity. I personally think it's okay, but at the same time I'm not such a huge fan of it. I guess my problem is the fact that it makes the pokemon who were already awesome seem almost obsolete now compared to their mega forms. Here's how my conversations with my friends usually go:

Me: I really like ____ it's such a cool pokemon.
Friend: Yeah, it's mega form is really awesome.
Me: ...

I don't know, maybe I'm just an old fashioned Pokemon fan. What does everyone else think of it?


I think it's badass :)

"Here are beauties which pierce like swords or burn like cold iron."-C.S. Lewis on LotR


I'm not too fond of it, I feel that it just kills the whole imagination and mystique of the franchise. I'm not up for power and all that, in fact I think power and wealth have now become the driving factors rather than story and character that it once was. Adding insult to injury, the whole power and dominance thing is getting to too many heads of fans, in other words they are adopting a "Lord of the Flies" complex where being top dog is everything, be a bully and don't care for other's needs.



That was the one thing that made me favor Pokemon over Digimon (though I liked both). Pokemon didn't just evolve in battle and then return to normal form. They remained in their evolved state.


Seemed like Pokemon was becoming Dragon Ball Z. The first time I had looked up Pokemon on youtube and saw how the newer games had this, I was like "Did Pokemon just go Dragon Ball Z?" I can totally see how the Pokemon go super saiyan and what not.

