
I dont know about anyone else, but I'm bummed about cyberflix going out of buisness. Does anyone out there know why???? And the titanic game should have totally got more credit than it did.


I completely agree with you. It's such a shame they went out of business. "Titanic" was and probably still is my favorite computer game! I used to be obsessed with anything Titanic related. I came across my copy of Dust: A Tale of the Wired West today, another Cyberflix creation. Great game, but not as good as Titanic. I'm guessing you have the Titanic game? When did you get it?


I got my titanic game probably when i was 8 years old(now 13) and much like you, I used to be completely obbsessed with titanic. They should rebuild the ship to full-scale size, i mean they have all the blueprints and imformation on the ship


the titanic game was fantastic to play, of course, back then in 1999 i think i bought the game (back the i was 14) now 19. only the sinking was a little short, they had to make it better. anyway, to bad cyberflix is going. but i hope some other company like EA games, wil make another game about the titanic. that would be awsome. i mean, with the whole new technologies of making games.


Yeah, if they could do that 1996, just think of what they could do now!

"Your worth twelve of Malfoy."-Harry Potter


i hope they make one :p

but then they should not make the game start the same night that the ship went down. they should start at the maiden voyage, and from there you should do missions, that would rock!
i'm a big titanic fan you know.


I really wasn't much into titanic before I played the game. But the main thing I loved about the game is doing the missions and talking to all sorts of different people.

