Two questions about game

Is there anymore games simular to this?
And is there a complete video of the game ,not a walkthrough but more like a movie anywhere?
I remember playing this in winter at night,a very immersing game,but never got to finnish it,due to pc problems.


>>Is there anymore games simular to this? <<

"Dust: A Tale Of The Wired West" is very similar. It's made by the same people and uses the same game engine.

"Last Express" is sort of similar. The gameplay is a bit different, but it's an adventure game involving an accurately rendered version of the Orient Express, which you have to explore, and some of the plot elements reminded me of Titanic.

Both of the above are good games. "Titanic" remains my favorite. "Last Express" is very good and very atmospheric, but sometimes I found it a bit frustratingly difficult. "Dust" is like a lesser version of "Titanic"-- same gameplay, worse graphics. The interesting thing about "Dust" is that some some of the characters in it are also in "Titanic," so if you're a fan of "Titanic," it's nice to revisit a familiar face or two.
