MovieChat Forums > Titanic: Adventure Out of Time (1996) Discussion > Beatrix and Trask's predictions for her

Beatrix and Trask's predictions for her

Interesting that Beatrix Conkling said that Trask predicted a "banner year" for her and to sail "only on the Titanic and the Lusitania". Since Trask was a good psychic, I wonder if she being her arrogant bitchy self misinterpreted his predictions. If you talk to her after giving the baby back and after Andrew has been shot and killed by Morrow during the sinking, she moans how she's lost everything. I wonder if she dies in 1915 during the Lusitania sinking. Any thoughts?


I like to think Trask didn't like her so he was trying to send her to her demise. ha ha ha.


I always figured he used a more riddle type of prediction. A "banner" year could either refer to a newspaper headline about the letter and publishing issues, and also stealing the baby, or it could refer to something to do with her hotel she's opening up. Banner as in advertising, or a grand opening, who knows.

And I assumed she eventually died on the Lusitania as well.

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