what is with the nasty music?

It was on a continuos loop through out, except for the lesbian scene.
it was corny!

cheap elevator music on a loop

There came a point when all i could notice was that!

am i overreacting, or did anyone else get bothered
by the drone in the background?

have a good day


You are NOT over-reacting. I directed the film and I can't stand the use of music. Ordinarily, as a filmmaker, you use music to support the story. Here it seems like we used the story to support the music! Although there are times when it enhances the "fever dream" quality I wished to bring to the film, overall I was disappointed by the decisions that were made to use such repetitive music in such a wall-to-wall fashion.


wow, i am flattered that the director actually replied to a thread seeing as the film isn't in a recent run of the circuit!

and wouldn't you have some control over the music? i mean it isn't sucha big hollywood budget type that you would loose control after the first cut???

but overall the last shot in the limo was beautifuly done capturing the whole idea without too much baggage.
I do video installation art and visual is a string item for me as well as the music and the "scene" is something of an adjacent thing so the reason i got so bothered was that the film would have worked so well without any music vs what we as a viewer got bombarded with!

anything new and interesting now on your horizon?

sorry if i misspell this keyboard is nasty and i am drunk on a workshop...
have a good day


In some cases, the bigger the budget the more a filmmaker can be protected. I didn't even get to complete a first cut on this film! And as far as music goes, producers always think they know about music, so they tend to impose their will. That could be why most films use music so poorly these days. In my subsequent film, Spectres, my ideas were at least listened to, even if the choice of composer was made without my consent or consultation. If you ever see my film The Party Crashers, you'll see/hear quite a unique use of music.
