Cyclona...where is she now??

has this chick (the girl who plays Cyclona) died or something? i keep looking for something shes been in recently, or atleast in after making freeway 2. She's hotter then all hell, and the whole "crazy" thing can be pretty hot too, but i would still like to see her minus the meth eyes, voices and blood tatas. If shes this appealing when shes insane, i have to wonder if she's still a hottie while normal. can anyone hellp me out here?


check her profile, it said shes on csi or something. the sad thing is natasha lyonne (the girl that played white girl) IS almost dead! say some prayers for her


Just like mr x350 says, check her profile. She appears to have had appearances in a fw successful series.

And yeah, she's very pretty.


You'd be better off trying to find any of her previous films, 30 November is pretty good, if you know Swedish or can find english subtitles.



If Natasha Lyonne is nearly dead how come she's still making movies? Why do people post such crap?

Question: Did you ever hurt yourself to make somebody sorry?


They were referring to the section in her bio that stated she was in ICU for hepatitus C and a collapsed lung in 2005


:o Jeez, was that her? ! From 30 November?? I never knew. I am Swedish myself. How did she end up in a Swedish movie?
