Amazing film

this film is absolutely amazing with how well it is acted out, even if a lot of it is fictionalized to make it look like rubin carter is completely innocent, denzel washington sure knows how to play a good role

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results


A great film indeed


So why don't people think he was innocent?

And in the film; why wasn't the man who basically got people to lie, falsified report(forged other peoples signatures) locked up when Rubin was released?


Great Acting, particularly by Denzel Washington. But a film that lies so baldly seems far less than great.

Just ask boxer Joey Giardello (1930-2008), who successfully sued this film for falsely suggesting that Carter beat him in their 1964 title fight only to be robbed by the judges. In reality, most observers present felt Giardello won.

This movie also ignored how Carter was convicted a second time in 1976 by a racially-mixed jury, and how Carter refused a polygraph that had he passed would have resulted in the charges being dropped.

Does this prove Carter was guilty? No, but it makes you wonder - maybe check the other blogs for more information.
