MovieChat Forums > The Famous Jett Jackson (1998) Discussion > Normal familes in old disney shows

Normal familes in old disney shows

Does anyone think that the old disney shows were about real people and familes. They had flash foward, boy meets world, bug juice, even stevens, lizzie mcgurie. I know they had shows like Jett jackson, and the jersey but they still were more normal. On most epps of Raven or Hannah Montana they are always dressing up in costumes for some reason or sneaking around. The only show I really watch is Life with Derek. The old shows were easier to relate to. Does anyone else agree?


whole heartedly.


Thank you. I think they should bring those shows back. Maybe have them on once a week or somthing.



Stand on toilet,
Get high on pot.


Boy Meets World wasn't an actual Disney show, but they played reruns. But that is beside the point.
I totally agree! Those shows were awesome! I guess that just shows how the youth is changing. Oh well.


Boy meets world=abc, abc=disney, boy meets world=disney. the transitive property=]


So Weird had a fairly normal family. The mom was a former rock star on a comeback tour, yes, and they traveled around on a tour bus, but they were pretty realistic characters and acted like a real family. - Discuss Supernatural, Smallville and general sci-fi stuff.


I TOTALLY AGREE! I like the newer Disney shows and all that good stuff, but...there's NOTHING like some good old fashioned Bug Juice and Even Stevens.

Ahh, I miss the old Disney...


I know... and in HM, it's always the same thing: Miley/Hannah makes a big mistake, they end up in a wierd situation, she gets caught, and then she learns a lesson.

I eat Twilighters for breakfast


I agree. In saying this, I mean no offense in anyway to the younger generation, seeing as its not their fault, but has anyone noticed that the younger generations are getting a bit more ignorant, and turning into a bunch of followers. Well thats just my way of seeing things, and I really wish it wasn't so. Don't get me wrong, they're not stupid, just ignorant and not as well learned as the older generations were at their age. They also seem a bit more gullible (sp?). Anyways, its as if the movie "Idiocracy" will eventually come true in the future. I sure hope not.

"When I see you, I don't know why, but I remember.....Him." H.A.T.E.


I totally agree. And I don't think it's the kids' fault. They are brainwashed by the television networks. They never got to see the shows of our generation, so they don't know what they're missing. Someone needs to revamp the Disney channel, and soon. I loved the shows from when I was a kid. Even the ones with over-the-top fantasy concepts still had characters you could relate too, getting into situations that were actually plausible. The lessons were more subtle and applicable to real life. I don't think they necessarily need to bring the old shows back, although some occasional re-runs would be nice, but they definitely need to make shows more like the ones from the old days. Kids deserve to be treated better. The shows we had treated us like we all had a brain, why should the shows now be any different?

It's so stimulating being your hat!


Agree. Vintage Disney was more edgier, but not enough to crush our innocence. Vintage Disney knew how to make TV-normal appear like real-life-normal. I agree w/the over-the-top fantasy ones. They helped develop our imagination, but not overshadow what the real world is about. I'm deeply disappointed at Disney for selling their rights, or whatever it's called, b/c these old shows/DCOMS aren't as available to today's youth. I know I have to rack my brains out on Youtube just to trigger old memories, but it's not as easy anymore. Kids today deserve so much better.

"Whatever toasts your bagel."
~Penny (The American Mall)



I was actually having a conversation about this very thing yesterday, and wholeheartedly agree.


The new Disney XD show Aaron Stone has a realistic family dynamic. The father recently died and the mother is struggling to make ends meet, even being forced to clear out the dad's old study and rent the room out.

Somebody stop the world. I'm scared and I want to get off.


I don't think it's a question of the premise being more realistic. The premises of shows like "The Jersey", "So Weird", and "The Famous Jett Jackson" weren't exactly ordinary or realistic. What's different is that the characters acted like normal kids, dressed like normal kids, and dealt with normal kid issues, with some fantastic element thrown in for good measure.

Another issue is that in '90s shows, the kids weren't always wrong. Sometimes the parent learned a lesson, sometimes the parents didn't even know what went on, etc. Not every single episode of a show was a "very special episode" about the importance of doing everything your parent or teacher says.

Wake up, sheeple! - BHG

