You're a psycho stalker, Charlie Brown!

This was one of the first Peanuts specials I remember seeing because I was four when it was new. We had a huge @$$ VCR and taped it, so it was shown in our house a lot more than the holiday specials.
If I knew then what I know now, I'm sure that blockhead would be arrested multiple times for stalking this little girl he saw on TV. I'm also pretty sure he'd be commited to the psych ward.

Look behind you! A THREE-headed monkey!!!!!!


I agree. Charlie's obsession and infatuation for the mystery girl did come across as pretty creepy and unnerving.

1,000 mini-bios and I feel like I'm just getting started


It's funny how innocent something can seem to you as a kid and then how you look at it from an entirely different point-of-view when you watch it later.
