Harry Potter vs Marnie

Harry Potter is so much cooler than Marnie and not to mention braver and tougher. Harry was put in the Gryffindor house which is known for bravery whereas if Marnie were to go to Hogwarts she might be put in Hufflepuff since that is the most plain of all the houses and its the default house, if you don't qualify for any of the other houses you get put in Hufflepuff, so Marnie might either be put in Hufflepuff or possibly no house at all since she might not even qualify for Hufflepuff let alone any of the other houses.

Aside from all that though, the main reason why Harry is so much better than Marnie is that Harry puts up more of a fight against his guardians when he's treated unfair than Marnie does. The Vernons go to every possible length to keep Harry from going to Hogwarts and learning magic and yet Harry keeps on fighting and ultimately prevails. When Gwen, Marnie's mom, tries to keep Marnie from learning magic Marnie does not put up much of a fight. She submissively and weakly goes along with her mom when her mom isn't being fair. The most Marnie does to rebel against her mom's unfairness is when she sneaks off to follow her grandmother and takes the bus to Halloweentown which if you ask me is a cheap excuse for Gringott's Alley. Particularly though, when her mom tells Marnie to put down the broom and that she's grounded Marnie gives in. Harry would never give in like that. Harry fights the Dursleys every time they try to keep him away from learning magic and even brandishes his wand at Vernon in one scene. So Harry is way cooler than Marnie.


Get a life.


Get a life.

You get a life. Surely you need one if you enjoy movies such as Halloweentown.


Halloweentown is just a cute, fun and lighthearted tv movie. Harry Potter is a big budget big screen movie. You can't really compare them. Each are enjoyable on their own way.

Harry Potter is one of my favorite movie franchises. I would pick it over Halloweentown if I had to choose, but I don't, so I can enjoy both!

I just don't think anyone has to choose one over the other.


I take issue with your impression of Hufflepuffs. Tonks was a Hufflepuff, so your argument is invalid.


If Harry Potter stayed home the first year instead of going to Hogwarts Voldemort still wouldn't have got the philosopher's stone. They wouldn't have been able to get past the mirror trick.

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This isn't a comparison of the movies but of the characters. The character of Harry Potter vs the character of Marnie.


I have trouble comparing the characters. And I think you have to look at the characters in the context of the movies.

One character is really just for lighthearted fun while the other is more complex.


Marnie wasn't raised by a non-witch/wizard guardian, she was raised by her witch mother so I don't think that relationship compares to Harry's with his Muggle of all Muggles aunt, uncle and cousin. Marnie's life was much much different than Harry's. She could have begun her training later, after she turned 18 in the mortal world. I actually though she was a bit of a brat (like every other teenager across the planet).

Plus, Harry wasn't allowed to do magic outside of Hogwarts until he was of age (17). It was a Ministry of Magic decree and when he DID do magic (blowing up Aunt Marge to the size of a large parade balloon) the only reason he didn't get in trouble was the escape of Sirius Black from Azkaban.

She looked as if she had just swallowed an armadillo. - "Spencer"


She could have begun her training later, after she turned 18 in the mortal world.

Actually, no, she couldn't. It was stated very clearly in the movie that if she didn't at least start her training that Halloween, that Halloween being her 13th, she would lose all her powers and essentially be mortal.

Once upon a time there was a magical place where it never rained. The end.


Marnie wasn't raised by a non-witch/wizard guardian, she was raised by her witch mother so I don't think that relationship compares to Harry's with his Muggle of all Muggles aunt, uncle and cousin. Marnie's life was much much different than Harry's. She could have begun her training later, after she turned 18 in the mortal world. I actually though she was a bit of a brat (like every other teenager across the planet).

Plus, Harry wasn't allowed to do magic outside of Hogwarts until he was of age (17). It was a Ministry of Magic decree and when he DID do magic (blowing up Aunt Marge to the size of a large parade balloon) the only reason he didn't get in trouble was the escape of Sirius Black from Azkaban.

You sure like to stereotype about teenagers, but aside from that Marnie could not start training at the age of 18. She was 13 and that was the last year she could start her training or she would never be able to learn magic. To wait until she was 18 would be too late for her to start her training. You have to start when you're young and 18 was way too old to start.


I'd do Debbie Reynolds,I'd do her GOOD, what a babe.
