MovieChat Forums > Invisible Child (1999) Discussion > Scizo and Munchausen by Proxy

Scizo and Munchausen by Proxy

Wow. This movie started out being about an imaginary daughter and ended up almost being about Munchausen by proxy (sans the proxy).
It was a laughable movie. I've read into the comments and it is hilarous that people defend this movie as though it were some sort of poster child movie for psycho housewives with imaginary daughters.
It's also hilarious that I went beyond the first 5 comment headings, but I did
just for the heck of it.

The husband obviously enables the wife's psychosis to become more and more complex. In real life, her problem would have gotten worse and worse and she would have most certainly had to be institutionalized. The husband should have nipped this in the bud from the get go and got her treatment right away.
That is if we are talking about a real situation.

Otherwise it is subpar movie with a beyond ridculous premise. I can suspend my disbelief as much as the next guy, but why bother.

PS...Just a note. If you bought the DVD. You need your head examined. LOL!


Hey I take offense to that. I bought it on DVD because Rita Wilson does a hell of a job in this movie and it's a great story line! It is a weird movie though I grant you that.

" I will be brave for there is much to dare "
