Best Australian (Indie) Film

"He Died With a Felafel in His Hand" is one of the best Australian films ever made. Much better than the trendy classic and high budget 'blockbusters'. Noah Taylor did a fantastic job in this. His performance is so real, I feel for the character. I was that character, and have been that character for years more or less, little difference here and there but I know what he's going through. Taylor nailed the role. The ups and downs of living from apartment(Flats, in Oz) to apartment and all the crazy, different tennants you have to deal with along with the side story of Flip and Taylor made for a great performance.

The other cast was hilarious, and also gave brilliant performances. The scene with the 'Bucket Bong', with one stoner pitching his idea to patent condoms with aboriginal tribal patterns on them with such delusion of grandure only a 'bucket bong' rip could give you.

The ending is shocking, and realistic. Its a harsh would, we're all just surviving.
