Otto Preminger---SlimeBu cket

Hello All,

This film goes part-way toward shining the Light-Of-Truth on one of Hollywood's most miserable excuses for a human-being---Otto Preminger.

I remember watching him on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. I was amused at his funny anecdotes of Tinsel-Town. Now---with greater knowledge---
I feel slightly soiled.

Do you know that during the production of "In Harm's Way", he SPIT on actor
Tom Tryon?

And yet, "Laura" is one of my favorite films. But how many sins is talent supposed to excuse?

Anyway, I'm seeking info on another aspect of his personal life; in the late 50's, he had a bastard child by stripper Gypsy Rose Lee. Does anyone have info on this child's later life?

Gary In Arizona


Hello Again All,

Cancel my question about the Preminger child--I just found what I was looking for.




It's one thing to hate Otto Preminger and to call him names. But was it necessary to fault any child he may have had out of wedlock by spitting out that OUTDATED and vicious term "bastard child"? Imagine being that child and reading something like that.

As for Preminger,I think Dandridge was drawn to him because of his power in Hollywood,and she was led into believing her would marry her which she thought would help her status,not to mention her loneliness. He "advised" her badly after Carmen Jones which probably affected her career from then on.


did you ever wonder if Otto gave her bad advice on purpose? Wasn't that nearing the time he dumped her, if he did. Some say she dumped him. Who really knows the truth in any movie? Or any life for that matter. I love history and read biographies of people from thousands of years, hundreds of years ago as well as more recent. Depending on who is writing the book you often get different reportage of the same topic. Makes me wonder if truth exists after a statement is made.












preminger was known for being a bastard, but he made some great films.

I don't know about the real dorothy dandridge, but, in the film, their relationship seems very loving. he seems kind and supportive. I am not sure why she could not have accepted the relationship as it was.

preminger's advice seems good, but out of touch. the fact that he cared about her status seems to indicate that he was invested in her wellbeing, however I don't think he had the first clue what it was like to be a black woman in hollywood in the 1950s.


Otto is definitely a scumbag and a bastard.
