MovieChat Forums > Bad Boys II (2003) Discussion > Theresa telling Syd that 'other things w...

Theresa telling Syd that 'other things were effected.'

Did anyone else think that was a little too wrong for Theresa to tell her sister-in-law that Marcus was having some problems with impotence? Why would she need to know about her own brother's problems with... you know? I know she didn't flat out say it like that, but it seems very awkward for a man's wife to tell her sister-in-law something so personal. That would be like my brother-in-law telling me about how my sister is having problems in bed or something. Just too awkward.

All I need is one mic...


It was a moment of comic relief in a Michael Bay mega-action cop movie. Why put so much thought into this? Who cares??


Yeah what the fuck was that? I get that it was a joke in the movie but damn, poor Marcus getting zero respect from his wife.
