MovieChat Forums > Sometimes They Come Back... for More (1998) Discussion > what in the world was the king thinking?

what in the world was the king thinking?

i have seen all three of the some times they come back movies i loved the first two but it seems to me that the king was tring to reck his on work on the thrid one it has nothing at all to do with one and two and plus they did not have any good death sences in this movie at all.


Obviously u r an idiot stephen king only wrote the first story and that was only a short story in a collection of other stories he has nothing to do with this movie its just a rip off sequel so they can use his name stephen king only made one movie maximum overdrive all the other movies that say stephen king on them are just based on his stories


so what next your going to tell me that you liked this movie right have you even seen the first two those two are the only ones worth while watching out of all three of them.


This movie sucked ass


I downloaded the torrent and it was extremely boring! It put me to sleep.


He also did the crappy version of "The Shining". Might've been "truer" to the story, but it sucked donkey balls compared to Kubrick's version.


I prefer Stephen King's Shining since (1) it has 4 hours to truly develop the story and (2) Kubrick's version plays like a bad acid trip, and I don't need to relive my acid days.

Because God created it, the human body
can be uncovered and preserve His splendor. -Pope John Paul


There's also the Creepshow screenplay (a great one, in my opinion)... and Sleepwalkers (original screenplay)... Maybe there's something else that I can't remember... you partial idiot.


King only had any REAL connection to the first movie. The second and third only credit King because of they use the same base ideas. It's like how you can't say every Nightmare on Elm Street movie is made by Wes Craven. He only REALLY made the first and New Nightmare, and penned the early draft of Dream Warriors(which was changed drastically by Frank Darabont and Chuck Russell). Though, despite Craven not having anything to do with NOES2, 4, 5 & 6, they always credit him as "Character Creator" because he came up with Freddy Krueger.
