Your favourite mistakes?

This movie is sadly (in)famous for its many many, sometimes quite spectacular animation mistakes. Some of them might happened because there was probably way too little communication between the US team which was respondible for the dubbing and the Chinese team which did the animation. Several other mistakes, though – I guess either the budget was so tight that they couldn't afford someone who looked through the single scene results before they became a complete movie, or the budget was so tight that the animators lived from little more than water and bread and thus lots of flaws went by unnoticed (or all animators without exception were total rookies?!).

Which mistake is your personal negative „favourite“?

** My number one: that moment during the finale battle when Timmy pulls out the key in order to hit Martin with it. Pay attention to the single shots at that moment – a) Timmy pulls the key out of his vest and throws it clearly into Jenny's direction, b) a hand catches the key, but its not Jennys hand ( no pullover visible), it looks way more like Timmy's. Wait, Timmy threw the key just away!? c) Timmy holds the key as if a) never happened and is going to fire the thing at Martin with his slingshot. **

The heck?
Why that second when Timmy throws the key towards Jenny which leads into nothing?!?
My only presumption is that in some early story draft it was originally planned that Jenny would do something with the key (open her chains?) , but this was scrapped for the final script – still, somehow the animators still did a fully animated little moment of that idea and put it for whatever reasons into the movie. Even if the moment doesn't go at all with what follows. Yeah.

Other goofs close to my number one spot:
- the dog throwing Jenny off his tail, yet in the next shot she's still clearly hanging there. Duh.
- Jenny and Timmy in front of the council which consists of several mice in wide angle shots but only of Justin and Mr Ages during close ups. Creepy! D:
- the surreal perspective when Justin frees Jenny's parents. Literally surreal.
- Mr Ages and Timmy talking in front of Jonathan's statue, but only the voice of Ages actually says something, Timmy just moves his lips silently. Again, CREEPY! There are quite a few dubbing mistakes like this, but strangely they don't bother me thaaat much exept for this big fat one. Ages and Timmy open and close their mouths imho always at the same time which makes me wonder if they were supposed to say Age's words actually unisono together – if would even kinda fit in that scene -, but that's again just a personal idea.

And am I the only one or are adult Timmy's facial proportions a little (sometimes are little more) different in every single scene? Ok, stopping here. Overall I wouldn't be surprised if nowadays the film is shown in animation classes as good example of all the bad things which could happen and which have to be avoided...!


My favorite mistake is the part where Timothy asks Mr. Ages if it's okay for guys to wear the same underwear three days in a row. Not only is this disgusting rather than funny, but the mice and rats don't wear underwear, let alone pants. What blithering idiot wrote that?


The whole film.

Stupid people always complain when anything artistic is presented to them.
