I liked it.

I read only bad review here but, I liked this movie. I find it rather intense and maybe the bored folks should stick to today's blockbusters.

If you don't find this wild enough; you got to understand that this was made in the 'FIFTIES'. I can just imagine how folks felt about it, then. LOL

To the reviewer who said that is was only about people getting wasted and having fun, you must have only watched a few minutes. This movie does have serious subject matter.

http://www.cgonzales.net & http://www.drxcreatures.com


I liked the movie too! It's a great cheese fest viewing it through today's eyes, and it's quite disturbing if viewed from the perspective of the time it was filmed. Either way, it's definitely entertaining. The detailed instructions of how to freebase heroin was bothering to say the least. You learn something new every day! The subject matter and plot was actually fairly well thought out, even if acted a bit badly. All in all, a good film.

The bee hunts in pairs....and other fruits...

