WTF was that!!!!!!!!!!



This show was so stupid! P&tB was a great show and then to just throw in a character from a show that had been off the air for like 3 or 4 years was just dumb. I remember seeing the commercials and whatnot for it and thinking... it his a joke? Like a parody joke or something and then I saw an actual episode and thought I was going to be sick!

Dragonzord! Mastodon! Pterodactyl! Triceratops! Saber Toothed Tiger! Tyrannosaurus!


Beleive it or not, yournot alone,m the popel who created Pinky and the Brain also hated it. One guy even quit over it. The studio wanted tomake th e series mroe like a sit com, and seemed obliious to the fact that this undrmined the enture premise of the show that made it popular to begin with.


You're right, it was a parody joke. I'm sorry you got sick, I hope you feel better.


I don't know...I kinda liked these episodes. My favorite is the Icky Mouse CLub and the little song they sing in it. Elmyra IS a little irritating, though.


I kinda remember this show but its an oldie now I can't remember the episodes, I only remember the song from the original cartoon. (We are way past the 90s we are heading to the 2020s, its 2017)
I watched Animaniacs when I was little.
