LOVED this movie

Saw it a year or two ago, and just loved it. Every time I thought man, this is really the end for them, what could be an outcome in their favour?

And the part when they are bowing and chanting that Jewish sermon in nazi uniforms! hehe... loved it!

You got a lot of morons in your family? 'Cause that could be genetic - Andy Sipowicz


When they're teaching them to speak German:
"Yiddish is a parody of German."
"Do the Germans know we parody their language? Maybe that's why we're at war."



That is actually my favourite quote. I was shaking with laughter. The scene where Modechai and the real Nazi officer say "Sieg Heil" and the people inside the train dance around singing "Heil, Heil" is pretty funny, too.


I loved this movie as well. It reminded me some of the best movies directed by Emir Kusturica because of its pace, absurd but hilarious situations and the use of folkloric music as background.

One of my favorite lines is when the jews are arguing about who should be the Nazis and Mordechai (the one who speaks better german) replies with proud "You are not a Nazi because you want, but because you deserve it"!

I also loved the scene where the jews and the gypsies meet each other causing all kind of hilarious situations. And how to forget the "existentialist" speech by Schlomo about Man creating God in order to think that we were created by him. And everybody, from the "communists" to the rabbi looks at each other saying... "What? What on earth has he said?"

There are many hilarious moments but of course the ending couldn't be happy as in a fairy tale, despite how much we want it.



