It's really alright!

OK, so it starts a little slowly and we need to watch the beginning very closely in order to figure out what's going on. Yes, all of the actresses look alike because there was only one way of doing perms back then. But this is not a Hollywood pot boiler. It is a British film done with actors and actresses not known to us because they are British.

It is the British way, after all, to be understated. So you must observe the many subtleties. One sentence speaks volumes. Also you must observe who is walking with whom and who is riding with whom which also speaks loudly. Joan Hixon, an accomplished actress, is the master of understatement, not just some old biddy reciting lines. The rest of the cast is just as accomplished.

Also, you must remember the morals that dictated behavior at that time. There were things that were just not done. And if immoral things happened, they had to be covered up. So deal with it.

Enjoy the film and go with the flow.
