MovieChat Forums > How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) Discussion > Anyone notice the depiction of the grinc...

Anyone notice the depiction of the grinch is most like racist stereotype

He has long hairy finger nails, eats moldy garbage, doesn't bathe, hates people, and hates christmas. This sounds like some lame-ass christian propaganda on either atheists, Jewish people, or some other minority. In fact to be perfectly honest they have stereotyped people just like this who didn't celebrate christmas for thousands of years. Since when was it cute to portray people who clearly don't like some crappy holiday that copies Saturnalia (yes christmass was inspired by Saturnalia so please stop assuming you invented gift giving and the christian mythological jesus was inspired by Horus and other pagan mythological gods) as hairy monsters that eat garbage? They depict the grinch as some loner living on top of a mountain who collects and eats toxic waste.

IN THIS MOVIE they made him a sympathetic character as opposed to the original who hated christmas just for the sake of hating christmas and then steals everyones presents just because he can (at least he wasn't given a long nose or fat lips. I'll give Dr. Seuss props on that one.) This story really sounds like something a moronic priest would say during his sermon, "OH DEM ATHEISTS HATE CHRISTMASS BECUZ DEY JEALOUS OF JEEEESUSS and DEY LIVE OUT OF DAY MOUNTAIN AND DEY EAT GARBAGE."

I like this ITERATION (Jim Carrey version) because they at least actually gave the Grinch character development (the little they spend on character developement is a joke. He decides to become an anti-social nutjob living in a mountain top because bullies made fun of how he shaved his face? DUMB) onto how he became the angry individual as the result of the bullies at his school HOWEVER despite the portrayal of sympathy they still depict him like "sub-human" monster that eats all the little kids (racist propaganda and religious propaganda tend to do this. Religions tend to view people who don't like their stupid cult rituals as "sub-human.") The Grinch's character within this movie was portrayed as a psycho as soon as they explain his origins. He knocks another baby while descending from the sky, plus he smashes some kitchen cutlery and knocks over some books making him look like some kind of punk.

So even with the sympathetic portrayal for like 5 minutes the other 1 hour 55 minutes they spend depicting him as some type of "sub-human" hairy monster that eats garbage, very similar to racist propaganda that the church has been spewing for THOUSANDS of years.

This *beep* christian propaganda garbage is a joke. Christians sure do like to depict everyone else that refuses to participate in their cult ritiuals that were blatantly copied from Roman mythology and other pagans as "angry." Sure you may think I am overreacting but I have seen racist propaganda pamphlets that depict atheists in a similar manner that are distributed and encouraged by the church in the similar manner the grinch is depicted.


You do realize that Theodor Seuss Geise, pseudonym of Dr. Seuss who authored the book was a Jew, don't you? The book criticizes the commercialization of Christmas and I don't see that the movie's message deviates that much from the original intent of the book. Christian propaganda? Hardly.

"Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye." 2001: A Space Odyssey


Ok. Well depicting someone as a hairy monster that eats garbage because the author doesn't like the fact that they don't celebrate Christmas is akin to racism ALBEIT not actually racism BUT STILL it exhibits racist mentality.

Furthermore why would an individual like Theodor Suess Geise be celebrating Christmas? Wouldn't it be instead Hanukkah or Is he a Messianic Jew?



Ok... pompous man you misspelled the word atheist; then you clearly misinterpreted the word "ATHEIST." Are you an idiot? Furthermore the concept of christmas was borrowed from the Roman holy day of "Saturnalia" which was celebrated on December 17th. Then you clearly failed to understand what the word "Christmas" means.


Christ (greek meaning anointed one) and Mas meaning ASSEMBLY, hence the celebration of christmas is a religious ceremony. Maybe you should learn how to improve your grammar before you speak of such *beep* mmmkay?

An atheist can celebrate what the culture celebrates but if he religiously celebrates it THEN LOGICALLY HE MUST EITHER BE A CHRISTIAN OR A MESSIANIC JEW hence why I said, "Is he a messianic Jew."

Furthermore I think you misinterpreted as saying "holiday" when it is really winter solstice which is a Federal holiday. You have approximately 12 days off. SERIOUSLY. I figured this out when I was five.

Try reading next time.

You seem pretentious.


I like how the poster couldn't decide who it was racist towards. It's because it wasn't directed towards anybody.


Hey retard..... Apparently you haven't been paying attention to racist or bigoted propaganda for the past 5,000 years. IF you were intelligent, which is apparenty YOU AREN'T then you would notice common depiction of said peoples like for example large noses, excess of hair, they eat some sort of grotesque foods, etc.

Apparently you don't pay attention and in your piss-poor methods of projection you label me as "retarded." Listen kid you aren't cute. Next time you want to be a little useless coward and try to chime in ACTUALLY SAY SOMETHING INTELLIGENT otherwise get lost, stupid child.



soo...... depicting someone who doesn't like christmas by the means of them eating garbage and having excess hair isn't like how Gypsies were portrayed by Martin Luther right, stupid child?

I have a feeling you thought you could chime in but now you FAILED. Get lost.



yea...... this conversation is over. You fail.



Didymus, You Are An Idiot!! I Feel Sorry for anyone that knows you.


Bunch of retards ITT

You are probably the same people that believe violent video games and movies are what lead people to crime.
Ignorance isn't cute, dude.


Uhm no. Furthermore speech and art do effect people's brains. Check out the Armenian genocide, Rwandan genocide, Joseph Goebbles propaganda tactics (plus Nazi propaganda.)

Video games and art do effect how people see the world. you are ignorant but I really don't feel like wasting much time explaining this.


Lol, an atheist's butt is hurt.


Of all things to get upset about the freaking Grinch LMAO seriously...personally i think you just wanted to point out to all of us that youre an atheist.... and apparently Christmas movies piss you off... that's cool never met anyone who got upset over Christmas movies, let alone the Grinch LOL (is Clark Griswold and Ralphie racists too, or are they just stupid according to you because they believe in God?)


This is the biggest pile of garbage theory I've ever read about the Grinch.


Oh get off your high horse. You seem to be one if the types who purposely looks for " christian propaganda" in movies,books, etcetera just because you feel like arguing.


"It's because I'm green ISN'T IT?!"
(when a Taxi doesn't stop for him lolol) that's the only "racist" thing i can find in this movie lol! And i love this movie it's so funny!



Best troll post ever.

Fear What's Inside...
