
It looks like one of those E! documentaries...y'know, like 101 most irrelevant moments ever.
When I started watching, I thought it was about the WORLD in the 1960s, not just about the U.S. (although I should have guessed, typical that gringos think whatever happened in their country is all that's important).
Oh, and the first shot opens with a mime. Rather risque.
In short, this was mostly poop. I'm being unfair; this WAS poop.

"And how do you see yourself in fifty years time?"



I think the original poster is refering to the cuban missile crisis, communism in cuba...I could be wrong...I thought that would have been a nice incorporation, but considering the characters were white middle class people living in chicago, that part of history would not effect them. I know, sad, I'm Cuban American, and it would have been nice to see....

