
Hola. Does anyone know if there's a place where you can watch this online?

I am the greatest Thundercat of them all,
I'm Lion-O!
-Matthew Thiessen



I do not know if there is anyplace to watch it on-line, but it was released on DVD, I do have a opy of it, I am nto sure if it would cost $5 or $50 because it may be hard to get


I checked for this movie on a movie site I go to in order to watch movies online but nothing came up and then I went to youtube and the only things I could find related to this movie was the trailer and the protest scene, I was bummered cause I havent seen it in 6 years or longer, Im not sure what year it was when I saw it in class.

"When a relationship doesn't work out, I call that a relation$HIT"~Dane Cook



I just checked out Amazon and they have it available for a mere $175!!! That's for a new copy. If you're thinking to save by buying used, think again, as the starting price is $65. If you're lucky enough to still have a VCR, unlike myself, you can buy the VHS used for under $10. It's funny...if you want the DVD for the 70's movie, that is also under $10. I think it just goes to show what era people prefer. Enjoy!

I tried to make the link clickable, but for some reason it wouldn't work. Sorry :(
