MovieChat Forums > The '60s (1999) Discussion > History repeating itself

History repeating itself

I thought we were supposed to learn from history - not repeat it. This war was broadcast at the time and I remember watching it as a child. We thought it was right then. Now we think it was a bit suss. It is so wrong and so it is today. To enter or invent a war under the guise of a war against (******insert word here).

Today the media is manipulated by the admin and editing what is happening - at least we had some idea then!

Weapons of mass destruction = Mass Brain-washing of people who are not getting their heads blown off because of political propaganda. Heads should roll .. not the soldiers', but those that orchestrate mass destruction of human life.

I don't care whether Bush gave up golf or not - give me half his brain and I would be a moron.



I'd just like to comment on the above poster's mention about Charles Rangel's draft bill. The poster said they were ashamed because it was a democrat who proposed it, but his idea's were actually valid and smart. If a draft had been implemented people would've stood up and taken action against the war, unlike the years of subdued statements of opposition. Also, were the draft to be reimplemented, the soldiers sent over would no longer overwhelmingly represent the economic lower class. It's actually too bad the administration wasn't stupid enough to reinstate the draft, people might've actually cared then.

~The child is grown, the dream is gone...I have become comfortably numb~




True, we are involved in a bullsh*^ war, no one is denying it, but at the same time, its nothing like Vietnam. Tell me, exactly how many people have been drafted into Trashcanisthan or Iraq?

I agree that the cirumstances are greatly varied, but he's arguing that there was a lack premise for the war, which is akin to Vietnam in many ways.

As a matter of fact, ashamed as I am to say this, in 2004 someone did try to introduce a bill to reinstate the draft and guess who it was? It was democrat by the name of Charles Rangel. (see: The republicans brought it on the House floor for the sole purpose of its elimination.

Why are you bringing party coalition into this? No one laid mention to parties at all in the original post nor did anyone lay blame towards a single party, so your statement is a bit superflous. This is the reason for such animosity between parties and their consitutencies now: hearts and emotion are being guided rather than intelligence. The fact is: no party is the "right" one at the moment, as they all have turned into Boss Tweed-like political machines with hidden agendas.

What the hell media have you been watching. For the past four years Bush has been getting absolutely skewered by the media, with the exception of Faux News.

To be quite honest with you, media outlets internationally, both far right and far andleft leaning, have openly criticized the Bush administration for the atrocities committed as well as the national debt that had accumulated during his years in office. And the fact is there is STILL remains alot that has not been touched on. How many people do you know that can accurately discuss what the Niger Forgeries are? The Libby/Plame Affair? The Military Commissions Act? The Patriot Act?

Eh, maybe, but I don't think its as black and white as you're making it. Did Hussein have W.M.D.'s over there? Of course he did, everyone knows that.

That would make a compelling argument had Bush and Cheney not openly admitted to Iraq not having WMD's or being involved in Iraq during a 2006 press conference.

If not, then why didn't he let the U.N. inspect his properties and how the hell did he unleash biological weapons on his own people in the 80s if he didn't?

I don't know, ask the U.S., we supported him in the early 80's conveniently up until that point.

In fact the democrats where the ones who started Vietnam.

But remember party alliances were much different back then. Up until the 2008 Presidential election, the last time the south supported a Democratic candidate had been forty years prior. It had exstensive working class American support, far more than the Democratic party does now.

In fact, since 2006 the democrats have had the majority in both the Senate and the House. Why haven't they gotten us out of Iraq?

Just a year after they took majority, they were already panning out a plan which required the US troops to start withdrawing from Iraq by October.
President George Bush vetoed the Democrat-sponsored bill. You seem to throw around how wrong the other poster is, yet not once have you been accurate in any of your statements.

Wrong again. I don't think that Bush is stupid at all.

This is where we agree. I think Bush actually played up the "dumb" role to make him seem more sympathic in his endeavors. Kind of a "look at poor ole' me, just trying to save the world" complex. That in itself, speaks mountains for his intelligence. He may be a little lazy but dumb? Not in a million years.


