Bradley Cooper

Does anyone know why James was SO emotional when he introduced Brad? He was choking back tears. Brad was also very weepy during his interview ... sensitive soul.

Muskoka Memories


It was said in the introduction. It was because Cooper is the first guest to have graduated from the program, and he knew Lipton and a lot of the faculty that are probably still there as a student. I doubt he would have been invited to appear on the show at this point in his career had it not been for this fact. The projects they talked about were Alias, Wedding Crashers, The Hangover, a play he did, and his new film Limitless. That is very limited, and it was kind of funny hearing him talk about the authenticity of his craft while they showed a clip of Alias with some cheesy pop song playing in the background. I think Cooper has talent, and I think he's still got room to grow and actors tend to peak when they're older, so they could have waited for this moment.


The whole episode seemed like some giant love fest. And Cooper really isn't of the caliber of an established actor.

They were just lauding one of their own. He was "their boy come home."
