Modern Family

You read that correctly. The cast of the TV show will be on Inside The Actors Studio.

Please cancel this show before they come up with more horrible guests like this.




I think I need to retract my statement a little.

They still have DECENT guests on, but not in the heyday where they had Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, Robert De Niro, Sidney Pollack and, blessings to him, Sidney Lumet.

I liked The Simpsons episode, at least the guests were seasoned actors who are not chasing the spotlight but create characters.

Modern Family? Personalities.



You act like there aren't any good guests left to have on. I can think of a lot:

Christian Bale
Gary Oldman
Leonardo Dicaprio
Mel Gibson
Michael C. Hall
Joe Pesci
Denzel Washington
Brad Pitt
Owen Wilson
Vince Vaughn
Steve Carell
John Lithgow
John Turturro
Joseph Gordon Levitt
Liam Neeson
Christopher Nolan
Tim Burton
Woody Allen
Quentin Tarantino
Sean Connery
Christopher Lee
Ewan McGregor
Peter Jackson
Bill Murray
John Malkovich
Joel and Ethan Cohen
Woody Allen
Diane Keaton
Alan Rickman
Winona Ryder
Patrick Stewart
Dan Aykroyd
Richard Chamberlin
David Spade
Adam Sandler
Frank Oz
Kelsey Grammar
Steve Martin
Will Ferrell
Gwyneth Paltrow
Joaquin Phoenix
Geoffrey Rush
Daniel Day Lewis
Aaron Eckhart
Bryan Cranston
Mad Men Cast
Maggie Smith
Judi Dench
Daniel Craig
Jon Voight
George Clooney
Tim Roth
Tobey Maguire
Tina Fey
